Location for Dog Training

In real estate they say it is all about location, location, location. With our dog sports dogs, we often pick a location to train and that’s where we train. Or we pick a few training buddies and that’s who we train with. When our dogs are ready to trial, we take our dogs to a new location with new dogs and ask our dogs to do the skills that they know. If we haven’t trained in multiple locations with a variety of different people, then oftentimes, our dogs are concerned about the new location and the new dogs.

If we take our dogs to new places to train, then we are a lot less likely to see this concern and if we take our dogs when they are puppies to lots of new places, then we are a lot less likely to see this issue as well. In the winter months, it is a great time to go train in parks and in Lowe’s or Home Depot or in your local dog-friendly outdoor store. In the summer months, it is a great time to get in the car and drive up to that show and go or enter that trial just so you can go set up a crate ringside and let your dog soak up the environment.

Add some variety to your training locations and watch your dog’s confidence and ability to concentrate in new locations soar!


Looking for puppy training Charlotte? Check out our Puppy classes charlotte ncYou can come ask a question about how to teach a competition skill (obedience, rally, agility, etc.) and then you can stick around and practice the skills of your choice. Your practice time is free if you help us clean and organize the building after our 2 hours of practice time.

Looking for puppy training Charlotte? Check out our Puppy classes charlotte ncWe will be going over 10 fun tricks that help teach your dog body awareness and are helpful tricks for rally, obedience and agility. This event will set your dog up with the skills needed to earn your AKC Novice Trick Dog Title at our next Trick Event. Check it out this fun and exciting workshop!

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