Dog Trainers Charlotte nc
MARIAH HINDS Dog Trainer Charlotte nc
At age 8, Mariah wanted to be one of the best charlotte nc dog trainers. As a child, she was only allowed to have outdoor dogs because the dogs were not trained. When their manners continued to get worse, her family would send the dogs back to the shelter. Mariah wanted to be a dog trainer so the dogs learned the manners needed to be indoor dogs. A passion to learn as much as she could about becoming a dog trainer and learning about dog training was sparked in Mariah. Her desire to know the latest proven techniques to be a great dog trainer has never gone away.
Through Mariah’s more than 18 years of experience as a dog trainer, she has found creative problem solving techniques that quickly solve problems. Mariah finds a solution that works for everyone involved from dogs who bite to dogs who destroy the house when you are gone. She can help whether your dog doesn’t come when called or whether your dog is ignoring you in a dog sports competition. Mariah is a certified dog trainer Charlotte nc through the Certification Council For Professional Dog Trainers (CPDT). She is committed to continuous education of the latest training techniques. Your dog will learn as quickly as possible with results that will last with this commitment to education.
Charlotte Dog Trainers Training Techniques
Mariah began her dog training career using pinch collars and corrections. As she learned more about dog training, she found that positive training methods produce faster and more reliable results without creating more problems to address. When I used to grab dogs to punish them, lots of dogs just learned to play keep away from people. When I used to knee dogs in the chest to discourage jumping, the dogs just learned to leap out of the way plus a few learned that new people are dangerous. For the families whose dogs learned that people were scary, it was a long journey to eliminate the fearful lunging that occurred because of the training technique.
With treats and positive training techniques we like all of the side effects that we get from training! We get a dog who is eager to listen and a dog we can take anywhere we want to go.
If you are looking for a Positive reinforcement dog trainers near me, look no further!
Dog Trainers Charlotte nc
Mariah loves competing with her dogs in dog sports such as Agility, Competition Obedience and Rally. Mariah regularly places first in competitions and recently achieved first place out of 100 dogs in a statewide competition. Her experience in competitions gives her the skills to train your dog to listen to you off leash no matter what is happening around you.
Your dog will listen even when you don’t have rewards nearby. Her desire to compete at the highest level of precision and accuracy means that she will help you progress your skills as quickly and as accurately as you need. Your dog will learn to automatically make good choices, whether you are at the park with your dog or in the competition ring.
Contact Mariah your dog trainers Charlotte nc now for your FREE Phone Consultation and find out how she can help teach your dog to listen to you!
Learn more about Charlotte nc dog trainers-
Playing with the dogs and doing some fun dog training
Practicing the joy of heeling with Talent
Competing in the dog sport competition obedience
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