Dog Agility Charlotte NC
…to have the most fun with your dog!
We are not offering agility classes or group classes right now.
If this is your first time playing dog agility, you are in for a treat! People AND dogs love learning this sport. It’s a fun and healthy activity for both you and your dog. We offer a variety of dog agility classes and agility training for dogs charlotte nc to get you started!

Dog Agility Training Class
Dog agility is one of the fun and rewarding activities that a dog and handler can share together! Agility is a fun active sport that teaches your dog to jump, run, and listen to you while running through tunnels, going over big obstacles and staying connected with you. Dog agility training is the ultimate in teaching your dog to listen to you off leash.
Dog Agility Readiness
Dog agility is even more fun when the dog and handler team has the proper foundation behaviors that will make training obstacles and handling so much easier and more successful.
Agility is a demanding sport which requires a high level of engagement between you and your dog. To start with agility training, most people take our Private dog training sessions first in order to best prepare for agility class.
Please read over the following questions:
- Is your dog over 11 months of age?
- If another dog comes up to visit your dog, will your dog be fine with the encounter?
- If your dog sees another dog running 40 feet away, will you be able to get your dog’s attention?
- If your dog has ever had major surgeries or injuries, has a specialist approved them to play this sport? (You are welcome to call us and ask for a specialist recommendation to get your pup checked out so they can play safe and stay sound!)
- Has your dog been successful at being calm in a group class environment in the last 6 months without needing a training collar to achieve that goal?
If you answered “yes” to all four questions, go ahead and join our Fun Agility training class. If your answer is “no” to one or all of these questions we recommend you contact us to see if we can start you off in private lessons! If you have previous experience in Agility, please contact us to schedule a private session to run an in-depth evaluation to place you in our program.
Get started with dog agility training classes and start agility training for dogs charlotte nc now by scheduling your private training session!
Fun Agility Training Class
Dog agility is even more fun when the dog and handler team has the proper foundation behaviors such as going around a cone, running between jump uprights, doing the end behavior on contacts and being able to walk on a dog walk plank. Fun agility starts the foundation behaviors in a fun way!
When does the next Fun Agility training class start?
Contact us to learn more about our upcoming Agility training for dogs charlotte nc.

Dog agility training classes are great for:
Fun for you and your dog
Running around an agility course is a lot of fun for both you and the dog!
A tired dog
Have you ever heard “A tired dog is a good dog?” Agility training wears out your dog.
Social for you and the dog
Your dog gets to be around other dogs and you get to socialize with other awesome people.
She not only turned around our dog’s behavior- very positively commented on by neighbors – but taught us so much.