This weekend, Clever Livy was entered in Competition Obedience in the Utility ring. Utility is often referred to as “futility” because there are so many decisions the dog has to make at a distance from the handler and just like most trials, you cannot have any rewards on you in the ring. We were entered Friday, Saturday and Sunday and just like that she got all 3 qualifying legs to earn her utility title!! I’m so proud of her and I really love her enthusiasm, accuracy and speed. We really had a lot of fun!

Congratulations also to Bit Jordan who won first place in a really big Utility class on Sunday! It was a beautiful performance with her dog, Ru, and I’m so happy that I got to see it.

What exercise is your favorite from the video?

Clever AKC utility dog, AKC utility dog training, AKC obedience utility dog training, dog training fort mill sc

On Wednesday, the registration period begins for my Fenzi Dog Sports Academy classes. This term, I’m teaching dog obedience classes near me which will go over building reliability for behaviors and adding distractions to build your dog’s confidence. I’m also teaching dog obedience classes near me where I’ll be helping teams put their behaviors together to enter the Novice ring and we will do some problem solve for the Novice ring as well.

In January, I will be teaching a class locally that will be going over Tricks for Titles and Agility, dog obedience classes near me, dog obedience training charlotte nc, dog obedience training near me, obedience training for puppies near me, obedience training near me.

Clever AKC utility dog, AKC utility dog training, AKC obedience utility dog training, dog training fort mill sc